What's with the Venus?

From Willendorf to the Venus of Milo. The Venus figures are usually associated with fertility and representation of the ideals of beauty. I took that reference and created a figure that represented women like me nowadays. I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and this condition comes with both external and internal struggles, I decided to represent both in an installation I created for my BFA thesis. After the show, I received a lot of comments from people of all ages commenting how they had the condition or knew someone and didn't dare to talk about it. Reproductive health is very private and in my own experience, letting out was the best thing I could have done for my health. Nonetheless, I continued using the figure to represent a Venus with present challenges related to our lifestyles, such as massive reproductive and hormonal problems, but also encouraging self-acceptance and healing while dealing with a society that expects nothing but insecurity and scrutiny for not following to the traditional beauty standards. 
I create tiny canvases (3x3in usually)  with compositions related to the Venus and put them in various places in different cities. So far, I have put them in Sevilla, Berlin, Santiago of Chile, and London. 
A few canvases and Montana markers became a traveling project in which I put art on random walls. The project started in Sevilla, but it has expanded to other cities, such as NYC and Berlin. See the project here.

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